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WaveFlyer ROGUE electric Hydrofoil Watercraft

Revolutionising the Waters: ENAUTIC’s WaveFlyer VOLARÉ Debuts on Innovation Nation TV

April 29, 20242 min read

Electric cars have charged ahead, making significant strides in reducing our carbon footprint. But what about our waters? This was the question posed on a recent episode of Innovation Nation, where ENAUTIC’s groundbreaking electric hydrofoil, the WaveFlyer VOLARÉ, took center stage.

A Glimpse into the Future with ENAUTIC’s WaveFlyer

In a world where marine industries consume over 330 billion liters of diesel annually—50% more than the airline industry—the need for sustainable solutions is urgent. The episode kicked off with ENAUTIC CEO Paul Steinman at the helm, introducing the WaveFlyer VOLARÉ as not just a fun innovation, but a crucial step towards decarbonising our marine environment.

Host Brad Hill couldn’t hide his excitement as he took the WaveFlyer for a spin on the scenic Swan River. The craft's responsiveness and agility were undeniable. But it was the underlying technology that truly impressed. The WaveFlyer doesn’t just move through water; it soars above it, thanks to its advanced hydrofoil design which cuts energy consumption by 80% compared to traditional boats.

Innovative Design Meets Practical Application

Paul Steinman shared the vision behind ENAUTIC's move towards electrification of boating, inspired by the electric car industry. The WaveFlyer's design significantly reduces the drag and weight issues faced by traditional electric boats, achieving the speed and range of its fossil-fuel counterparts while being environmentally friendly.

The discussion also highlighted how hydrofoil technology not only benefits recreational users but has practical applications in commercial and military sectors. From reducing operational costs to allowing year-round service regardless of sea conditions, the implications are vast and varied.

What’s Next for ENAUTIC?

The future looks bright and busy for ENAUTIC, with plans to scale their technology from the WaveFlyer to larger vessels like crew transfer ships and fast ferries. There are also upcoming models designed for personal watercraft enthusiasts who crave the thrill of a jet ski without the noise and pollution.

As the episode concluded, Brad Hill’s enthusiasm was palpable—clearly shared by viewers and potential customers alike. With pre-orders now open for a special Foundation Series of the WaveFlyer, ENAUTIC is riding a high tide into a sustainable future.

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